I left the

I left the faith years ago after discovering the JQ and believing our faith as presented in Christianity was meant to weaken us. I still believe in God but believe paganism and any alternative belief system is the worship of actual demons who desire child sacrifice. I have all the negative evidence one could want about the existence of demons as described from a biblical view from personal experience to realizing the nature of the satanic elite who are probably at least correct about what they are worshipping. I wish, very strongly at times, to return to what I hope would be a better stronger and true understanding and faith in Christ, but I seem unable to genuinely make that leap. I feel genuinely cursed and believe there is a spiritual warfare aspect as well. Everything in my life has gone wrong to unbelievable levels since leaving the faith. For an instance I am trying to set up a homestead on raw land and I have about fifteen broken axe handles and have had four chainsaws from different brands all of which have had manufacturing defects, as acknowledged by the dealers, not just me being retarded. I think turning to Christ is the obvious sokution to that problem, but it feels very much like converting for material rather than spiritual reasons, if that makes sense.

I am sorry for the length, but feel it may help to have people know what is going on before the pray for me.

Thank you either way. I ask that I be shown truth and be able to respond in faith.

Thank you.


1 Comment

  1. Colin, I understand your concern.

    Many people have been deceived by the JQ due to a people claiming to be God’s chosen but whose religion denies Christ, so this can be confusing for people who believe the lies of modern “Christianity” that teach that we have to accept Israel. Many people have been turned away from Christianity because of this, and this was Satan’s design, I am sure.

    However, the real truth about the Bible is independent of the people of Israel who hate Jesus. The real truth about the Bible and faith in God is that God is our Creator and Jesus is God’s son who came to die for our sins so that we have the opportunity to receive eternal life.

    You did not turn away from God. What you turned away from was a clear conflict, in that the faith of God did not align with belief in the modern nation of Israel and the people who say they are God’s chosen. In fact, you did not reject God, but you rejected the lies.

    You are not cursed. There is definitely spiritual warfare because you are rejecting the lies and seeking the truth. Satan is against us, but God is for us. “If God is for us, who can stand against us?”

    Therefore I urge you my brother to follow after God with all your heart. Do not listen to Christians who say you have to accept a certain foreign country in order to be Christian – it is not true. You only need to accept God the Creator, and Jesus the Christ, God’s son, and live a holy life.

    Avoid manmade traditions. Avoid people who tell you that you have to serve a people who reject Christ in order to be Christian, that is a lie.

    All these various broken handles may be God trying to get your attention. Maybe God is reaching out to you so that you can find the truth, because God knows that you are not rejecting Him, but rather rejecting clear lies.

    Unlike many people who call themselves Christians, or Jews, or liberals, you are not deceived by the lies and you are a true seeker of truth. Because of this, God wants you to turn back to Him, because you never really turned from Him, you were only confused by the lies.

    1. Continue believing in God and seeking truth.
    2. Continue seeking after Christ
    3. Continue seeking holiness.
    4. Pray daily to God and pour out your heart to Him form the depths of your soul.
    5. Fast once per week so that you can deny yourself and build spiritual strength and connect closer to God and bring down enemy spiritual strongholds.
    6. Find like-minded people, if possible, to share your thoughts and faith with. But beware because there are ravenous wolves out there to deceive you, both on the far left and the far right. Beware of pagan groups and extremist groups, they will not help you but only harm you. Instead, find people who seek the truth and do not condemn you but show the light of God. And if you cannot find any, remember that Jesus is enough, God is enough, and rest your cares and worries on Him, and He will be with you through thick and thin, through good times and bad times, and you can be conforted in the knowledge that you will inherit eternal life.

    May God bless you for your seeking of God. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”

    “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.”

    May God bless you Colin for your faith and seeking of truth and God. If you need anything else or want to talk further, reach out again.

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