Firstly God Bless Revive Truth. Thanking God for finding this prayer request format. I’m a working blue collar union employee. My urgent prayer request is that I be Bless to get my very own apartment. By the Grace of God a friend allows me to sleep on the couch. Formally I lived in my storage facility for seven months. I have applied for affordable housing lottery twice but as an American citizen in the “Blue State” I reside in are allowing Illegal aliens top priorities in given Housing priorities. It takes up to three jobs to afford fair market rentals the standard rental rate starts $1,800.oo. URGENT PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL TOUCH A HEART AND BLESS ME WITH AN AFFORDABLE PLACE TO LIVE HOPEFULLY BEFORE 2024. It hurts so much not having one’s own place to live. God has brought me this far. I believe in the power of prayer. When this (Faith) actually happens I will share the GOOD NEWS WITH REVIVE TRUTH. THANK YOU EVERYONE & GOD BLESS YOU ALL. I WILL GLADLY PRAY FOR OTHERS.THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!