Here is a hexagram, a symbol used in pagan and satanic religions throughout history, including the star of Saturn, the star of Remphan, Buddhism, Hindu, satanism (druids, witches, etc), and many more.

The Hexagram In Various Pagan Cultures Through The Ages
This is a very historical symbol that may well be the one unifying symbol to all of the satanic pagan religions throughout human history since the Great Flood of Noah.
The hexagram is a unique symbol because it combines two triangles to form a shape with 6 triangles, 6 points, and 6 sides in the center.
What’s more interesting is that this isn’t a symbol of just any star, it’s a symbol of the closest star, the Sun. One article that teaches about the hexagram and paganism says this:
“In astrology, the prongs and centre of the hexagram symbolise the seven ancient planets Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Sun.”
So the Sun is in center, and the rest are the 5 classically known planets, and the Moon.

Roman Hexagram
Worship of the sun god is a repeated tradition throughout pagan traditions. Of course, the sun god is Satan, who is called the morning star, aka the Sun.
This star represents sun god worship, which is worship of Satan. It also represents worship of the universe, and has mystical meanings about the intertwining of the physical and spiritual world.

Talisman of Saturn – Pentagran & Hexagram
“Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)
This symbol is the epitome of darkness and the embodiment of everything that Satan stands for.
It is darkness, masquerading as light.
It is immorality, masquerading as morality.
It is slavery, masquerading as liberalism.
It is evil, masquerading as good.
It is Satan, masquerading as God.
It is Satan’s people, masquerading as God’s people.
For the Bible says that Satan is the “father of lies” and the great deceiver. And this is his symbol.