Top 5 Proofs That Property Ownership In America Is Dead | No One Truly Owns Property In America

America is no longer the land of the free. It is worse now than it was in England in 1776 which took revolution to escape. The government is more tyrannical now and has denied Americans the God-given rights their forefathers fought for. Property ownership is important for Christians because to have freedom of religion we also need to have the right to enforce our freedoms to live … read more

The Corruption of Consumerism & Materialism | Why I Decided To Leave A Lucrative Career In Sales

I’ve heard of people quitting lucrative careers to go into ministry, and it makes you wonder if they just went into ministry because they couldn’t cut it in the real world. So you might be thinking, maybe I just left my sales career because I wasn’t good at it, or it wasn’t for me. This is not the case, at least not for me. For over a … read more

What is Love? Biblical “Love” Is Not What You Think – Modern “Love” Is Completely Different

Love. The word is found throughout the Bible in English. But this word did not exist in ancient times when the Bible was written. This word “love” as we speak it today means something completely different than the “love” that the Bible taught. (Peaceful music to listen while you read:) “For God so loved the world” – did God love the world as we think of love? … read more

The Failure Of Logic And Reason And Why They Cannot Be Trusted In Modern Times

Philosophers over the ages have suggested that logic and reason are inherently flawed. How can this be so? After all, logic and reason are simply factual deductions about the nature of reality, aren’t they? Logic, which is rational deductions made from observation or inference; or reason, which is the capacity for rational, logical, or analytical thought, how can these be wrong? How can deduction itself be inherently … read more

The mRNA Covid “Vaccine” Is Literally a Virus, it is Malware

Let’s start by defining some key terms which we will use in this article: Virus definition (computer): A software program composed of manmade data and instructions designed to enter a system and write data to it from outside the system, designed to alter the system’s original data. DNA: A polymer composed of 4 letters like the alphabet, A, T, C, or G, which form a complex language … read more

Final Warning For America: Removal of LGBT Tolerance & Evil From Our Culture is the Only Way To Save America

You may think that it’s globalism, unfair elections, liberalism, corrupt democrats, bribes, fraud, all the 3+ letter agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, lying mainstream media, destruction of freedoms, unjust laws, and the many other factors that are destroying America that are responsible for our current situation. You may think that the only way to solve it is to give us back our freedoms, remove the … read more

The Myth Of Thermonuclear War, Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Fallout, & WW3

Nuclear war. Since childhood we have been indoctrinated to fear this terrible war that would allegedly destroy the whole Earth. Now that Russia is at war with Ukraine, many may wonder if we are at the brink of a nuclear holocaust. The media and the propaganda machine is certainly making it look like that’s a possibility, but what’s the real truth? Prepare to be shocked. It all … read more

The Pope, The Catholic Church, the Antichrist, and the Beast of Revelation

I used to believe that the end times of Revelation should not have begun yet because the Antichrist has not yet risen to power. However, in recent studies I have come to the understanding that indeed the Antichrist already has risen to power, and has been in power for a long time. The only figure in history that fits the description of the Antichrist is the Pope … read more

Is Your Church Teaching The Occult?

When you think of sorcery or witchcraft, what probably comes to mind is Harry Potter magic, or a witch on a broomstick, or an old hag stirring a black cauldron of frogs and toads. Or, if you think of a wizard, perhaps you envision the Lord of the Rings, or a man holding a wand or a staff and casting light from it. This is the Hollywood … read more