Recessions And Inflation Are Intentional, Caused By Manipulation of the Money Supply By Central Bankers

The “business cycle”, that is, the supposed natural cycle of the economy of ups and downs, is a fraud. It is orchestrated by the central bankers manipulating the money supply. The peaks and troughs, recessions, inflation, depression and hyperinflation, are all caused by the manipulation of a fiat money supply by central bankers. It is not an accident, it is not a cycle; it is a planned … read more

America, The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, & The World Power of the Central Banks

America has already completed the 10 Planks and is therefore considered a Communist country, despite every propaganda to the contrary. What are the 10 Planks of Communism? A plank is a wooden board. These planks build a bridge from a normal society to communism. They are the underpinning of a Communist society. With all 10 planks in place, any society is already Communist, and will soon fall … read more

Issac Newton: Scientist & Physicist, or Insane Alchemical Mystic?

Issac Newton is not who is taught in school textbooks today. He was not even by any definition a “scientist”, but rather a mystic and an alchemist. He was a deeply religious man, but he was not a Christian, because he was both a Freemason and a mystic, with the strangest occultic views, despite some of his religious views sounding Christian. In modern textbooks, Newton is proclaimed … read more

Lost Elements From The Periodic Table, & Is Modern Radioactive Chemistry Really Occultic Classical Alchemy?

I stumbled upon a book by the name of “The Lost Elements: The Periodic Table’s Shadow Side”, by Marco Fontani, Costa, & Orna. Upon reading this interesting book I came to the discovery of more hidden truths, that indicate the likelihood that the realm of chemistry, too, is not as scientific as it seems. In fact, the inventor of the modern naming system of the Periodic Table … read more

Cities Are An Obsolete Relic From Pre-Modern Civilization, And Need To Be Eliminated

Cities. Those bustling places full of hope and light and opportunity. That’s what’s sold to people, but it is very far from reality. Cites are now obsolete. There is no need for cities in modern technological civilization. The reasons that cities existed in times past was because it made communication, transportation, work commute, and social interaction possible. But the time for cities is now over. Modern communication, … read more

Is Ukraine A Real Country Separate From Russia?

Is Ukraine a real country? The answer is both simple and complex. The simple answer is “no”. Ukraine is not a unique country; it has always been a part of Russia except after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since then, it was established as a country, but Ukrainians are not a completely separate people from Russia. It is simply a region of Russia. Simply … read more

Modern Hebrew (Square Script) Is Really Babylonian Aramaic, Which Became Yiddish

Mindblowing research. Took me a long time to make all this. I had to actually learn some Modern Hebrew, Greek, and learn the phoenetic sounds of each letter to actually make this. The conclusion is undeniable. Modern Hebrew is really Babylonian Aramaic, which became Yiddish. Ancient Hebrew was really Ancient Phoenician, and became Greek, then Latin, and today, English. Because of this, all European languages which use … read more

Satan’s Monopoly On Sound – How Wickedness Corrupted Christian Society Through Audible Media

“And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the LORD their God. And all his days they departed not from following the LORD, the God of their fathers” (2 Chronicles 34:33) The history of Israel is a history of a people who continued … read more

3 Worst Forms Of Modern Art and the Truth About Why Satan Loves It

The modern art movements progressively degraded European art across all forms, starting with changing the tone of music, to pornographic arts (nudity in paintings and sculptures), and ending with what we have today, which is as overtly groteque, or as shocking, or as limiting in form as absolutely possible. Prominent forms of modernism and modern art in all its forms have poisoned life and ruined the beautiful, … read more

Flat Earth “Proofs” Are Hearsay And Incorrect, And Lack Substance

This article is not to criticize those who believe in Flat Earth, but rather to shed light on the flat-earth deceivers who are fooling many with their fallacious arguments and leaps in logic. Thousands of people are believing videos from the Flat Earth Society which are making huge leaps in logic and with some arguments which are patently false. Let me begin by saying that we have … read more