Poker Is Satan’s Favorite Card Game | The Deception Of Gambling With Cards

“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.” (Proverbs 13:11) Christians should not gamble, and poker is no exception. But even though many Christians will not gamble, or might play with chips, and never go to casinos, they might see no harm in it, it’s just a simple card game, after all. Right? When it comes to poker, it’s quite … read more

The Origins Of The Hexagram And Its Uses Through The Ages

Here is a hexagram, a symbol used in pagan and satanic religions throughout history, including the star of Saturn, the star of Remphan, Buddhism, Hindu, satanism (druids, witches, etc), and many more. The Hexagram In Various Pagan Cultures Through The Ages This is a very historical symbol that may well be the one unifying symbol to all of the satanic pagan religions throughout human history since the … read more

Babylon The Great Has Fallen, The Balkanization Of America Is Coming

After NY, PA, AZ and others called a victory for literally braindead disabled people that are unable to speak, even after a red wave like never before, it’s safe to say that the electoral system, and hence the system of government in America, is irreparably broken beyond repair. Even to the most hopeful who really don’t want to have to inconvenience their way of life by doing … read more

The Diamond Scam And Why Christians Should Never Buy A Diamond Ring For Marriage | 7 Myths About Diamonds

A foolish man spends his money on an expensive yet worthless glittering rock to offer a proposal. Traditionally, the family of the bride paid the man a dowry. It was only a recent twisted feminist ideal for the man to pay the woman for marriage. First of all, according to the Bible, Christian women should not be wearing fancy jewelry or costly apparel (1 Timothy 2:9). And … read more

The Mark of the Beast, The Name of the Beast, Globalism, & The End Times Prophesies of Revelation

Who are the beasts of Revelation? How does globalism come into play? What is the mark of the beast exactly, and when will the end times tribulation period begin? These are questions that by this stage in history we do have a good idea of what was prophesied. And in knowing, you will be able to avoid the condemnation that follows all those who receive the mark. … read more

Are Guns Really Dangerous For Children? The Official Child Deaths Data From The CDC Disagrees

The false President was on record reading his teleprompter that gun-related deaths were the leading cause of death in children. But is it true? Here are the hard facts and data. The claim: The claim is that “children” aged 0-19 die from more gun-related deaths than any other cause. The first problem with this claim is the definition of “children” to include adolescents and young adults ages … read more

Communist Kabbalism Killed Over 200 Million, and America & Europe Are Next

In the 1950s, China was a normal country with a rich heritage and tremendous history. It wasn’t all good, but they were a normal people, for it wasn’t Communist yet. Then Mao Zedong attained power. What followed is called “Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution”. In only 4 years from 1958 to 1962, Zedong genocided 45 million people on ideological grounds. By the time the dust settled, over 65 … read more

Top 5 Proofs That Property Ownership In America Is Dead | No One Truly Owns Property In America

America is no longer the land of the free. It is worse now than it was in England in 1776 which took revolution to escape. The government is more tyrannical now and has denied Americans the God-given rights their forefathers fought for. Property ownership is important for Christians because to have freedom of religion we also need to have the right to enforce our freedoms to live … read more

The Myth Of Thermonuclear War, Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Fallout, & WW3

Nuclear war. Since childhood we have been indoctrinated to fear this terrible war that would allegedly destroy the whole Earth. Now that Russia is at war with Ukraine, many may wonder if we are at the brink of a nuclear holocaust. The media and the propaganda machine is certainly making it look like that’s a possibility, but what’s the real truth? Prepare to be shocked. It all … read more

Top 5 Biggest “Conspiracy Theories” That Really Are Fake Conspiracies

Virtually everything you were taught is a lie. However, there are some lies that are disinformation designed to discredit truth seekers, or they are simply the mad ramblings of the demon possessed. Some of these massive lies have confused some, and terrified others, but do not worry, none of the below are true. If you are a new truth seeker, it can be difficult to discern between … read more