Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: Is There An Easter Meaning Behind These Expensive Gifts?

With Easter right around the corner, many Christians are having some times of Biblical introspection. Most of us know the nativity story very well, and even the Easter story very well, but here is one aspect of Jesus’ birth and death you might not know about. Surely as a Christian, or even for those who are not believers, you may have heard of the three famous gifts … read more

Why Denying “Unconditional Grace” Doctrine Is Still Not “Earning” Salvation And It Is Still A Gift From God | Jesus Is The Only Way

If you deny Unconditional Grace and accept that the Bible really does have conditions, such as the 7 (or 10) conditions listed on this website, some Christians might tell you that’s wrong because it means you are trying to “earn” your salvation. Of course, as explained in the previous article, even trying to earn your salvation (which you cannot do) is not going to have any detrimental … read more

What Are the Consequences Of Embracing Or Denying The Doctrine of “Unconditional Grace”? (Unconditional Grace Matrix Included)

Perhaps you are a vehement proponent of the Calvinistic doctrine of Unconditional Grace. The idea that as long as one time in your life you said some words and meant it, that now you are saved and are going to heaven no matter what you do here on Earth. Even ignoring the fact that even requiring you to accept it makes it “conditional” (acceptance is a condition), … read more

What Really Sets Christianity Apart From All Other Religions? Is It Trinity Doctrine? Jesus? Something Else?

I recently heard a Christian teacher say that the trinity doctrine was the one thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions. In teaching in such a way, teachers like this set the trinity doctrine as a fundamental basis for Christianity – essentially saying that whoever does not accept the trinity doctrine is not a Christian. But is this true? To understand whether or not this … read more

7 Steps To Pray According To The Bible | How Do I Pray To God? What Is The Best Way To Pray?

Many people, especially new Christians, might not really know how to pray to God. However, even mature Christians who have been Christians their whole lives may not really be fully aware how God wants us to pray. Table of Contents: The Lord’s Prayer Framework for prayer Step 1) Begin prayer with praise to God Step 2) Acknowledge the coming Kingdom of God Step 3) Humble yourself and … read more

You Must Maintain Sexual Purity In Order To Receive Your Inheritance of Salvation

This fifth condition of salvation is an extension of the second condition. This is that in order to receive salvation, you must maintain sexual purity. Now, if you have already been living a lifestyle of sexual immorality, then I cannot tell you whether you will be forgiven or not. However, I can say that according to the first condition of salvation, Jesus said that if we forgive … read more

You Must Not Become Prideful or Arrogant About Your Salvation

Refraining from pride of one’s salvation is another condition of salvation. Romans 11:18-22 says: “18 do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 20 That is true. They were broken off because of their … read more