The Long History Of Medical Fraud Compelling Lethal Injection Using Fear Propaganda From The Mass Media

“Covid” is not the first time that a hoax illness has been invented to license mass executions by lethal injection and non-stop fear propaganda to increase murder profits. It’s true, a few people are getting sick now – from 5G radiation sickness, not from a novel “virus”. This is the hoax. If you or someone you know has gotten this new illness, then it was caused by … read more

There Is No Scientific Evidence For The Existence Of Viruses

With Covid policies wrecking the world, the media causing mass fear and panic among the masses for a supposedly 98% recovery rate for an alleged deadly new illness, one might be terrified and believe the fearmonerging hype and end up getting injected with a permanent gene-modification medical experiment. The truth, however, is as shocking as the realization to many that evolution, the Big Bang, and most of … read more

Many Will Be Deceived By Rapture Theology

Many movies have been made and many books have been written which describe a fantasy world where all of the Christians have disappeared and gone to heaven, and then the tribulation occurs. This doctrine, also known as the “pre-tribulation rapture”, meaning a rapture of Christians before the Great Tribulation, is not actually described in the Bible. In fact, this fantasy will send many people to hell, because … read more

Should Christians Listen to Rock Music or Is It of the Devil?

Since the middle of the 20th century, rock music has been demonized, both literally and figuratively. But is it true that rock and roll is truly of the devil? Let’s lake a look and find out. I have read many articles and done quite a bit of historical research on the nature of chords, the historical background around the development of rock and roll in America in … read more

The Terrible Dangers of the Doctrine of Grace | A Christian Discourse Based on Biblical Teachings

A popular song recently released by Tenth Avenue North starts with “Why are you striving these days, Why are you trying to earn grace”. This is the modern doctrine of grace – basically, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation, because of our utter depravity as the result of the Original Sin – that is, the sin of Adam and Eve, which has made us … read more