The Age Of Earth And Our Importance In History

Because of the fallacy of evolution, children are taught in school that the earth is billions of years old. This makes us believe that we are just a speck at the end of a vast and almost timeless expanse of time and space. However, this is not true. We are not at the end of time, we are merely at the beginning of time. Adam, the first … read more

Third Wave Feminism Is A Form Of Lesbianism And Mental Depravity

Feminism, specifically third-wave feminism and the redefining of female sexuality, is not just a corrupt way of thinking; it is actually a form of homosexuality. It is no coincidence that feminism often includes some form of cross-dressing. Women wearing pants, cutting hair short like men, and wearing male clothes is an outward portrayal of a deep mental illness, the disease of homosexuality. I call it a disease, … read more

The State Of Depravity In The Year 2043 | This Liberal Dystopia Might Be Closer Than You Think | Virtual Reality, Liberalization, Surveillance

The year is 2043. Flying cars and teleportation are still in the distant future, but there is a new political ideology hitting the streets by storm. Multiple major cities break out in protest and people rest uneasy as fear of the crowds turning to riot is ever-looming overhead. Ever since the courts overturned Harriet vs Fido and made a firm stance on anti-bestiality laws, liberals have been … read more