Are We Meant To Literally Move Mountains?

The disciples had come near to Jesus when they witnessed an impressive supernatural feat. Jesus had just become angry at a fig tree that had not borne any fruit when He was hungry. He had then cursed the fig tree so that it immediately withered like some stop-motion photography in an old science fiction movie. This event was so profound that the disciples questioned him about how … read more

The Narrow Way To Heaven: Is The Way You’re On Really The Narrow Path?

Jesus said that only those who find the narrow way will make it into eternity. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13). Many people who call themselves Christians may think they are on that narrow path, but are they really? Are you really? If the path to salvation … read more

When Does Life Begin? Is Abortion Wrong? The Answer Is Finally Here And Undeniable.

I have the final answer to the abortion debate, which no one has ever before exposed with such certainty. When does life begin? To answer this, we need to know the origin of life. The answer when true science is unveiled, reveals undeniably the absolute and undeniable answer to the question of when life begins. Once we know when life begins, we also know whether, when, and … read more

Are You Spiritually Compatible?

2 Corinthians 6:14 says “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” Many Christians today may consider dating or marrying an unbeliever, since there are fewer dating options than ever due to the rise of third wave feminism. After all, you get along so well, and the only problem is that they are not … read more

Joshua Makes the EARTH Stand Still?

In Joshua, the Bible describes one of the most powerful astronomical miracles of all time since the creation of the universe. In Joshua chapter 10, verses 12 to 14, the Bible describes Joshua praying that the sun and moon would stand still, so that he could win the battle against the enemies of Israel. In response, God actually listened to Joshua’s prayer, and literally stopped the sun … read more

Should Christians Meditate?

A new, old thing is sweeping the West in recent years. This thing is meditation. Meditation is nothing new, but in the past it was confined to the fringes, the hippies, the new age movement. Unfortunately, with Youtube and other social media today, meditation has become a widespread phenomenon, and it’s growing. What is meditation, and should Christians do it? In order to answer this first we … read more

The Christianity Bubble: Many Christians Live In A Disconnected Reality

There is a great problem among Christians today: many live in a bubble. Not only do they fail to reach out to unbelievers outside their bubble, but also they fail to reach even Christians who happen to be outside their limited social circles. As a result, this is driving many people away from God, as well as causing many to never hear the light of the Gospel … read more

The Spiritual Origins Of So-Called “Mental Illness”

The picture does not match the title or the content because images have power. A padded cell or a wide-eyed insomniac might be a proper image for this article, but instead, I used a positive image. It is scientifically proven that looking at negative images causes negative thoughts, and positive images cause positive thoughts. So, be on your guard what you let into your mind through your … read more

Top 3 Biblical Evidence That Prove The Earth Is At The Center Of The Universe

All of history until Copernicus, including the Bible and all the churches, supported a geocentric view. The “heliocentric” view was invented by pagans – namely, the heretic Copernicus. Many were burned at the stake by the church for supporting the lie of the heliocentric universe, because it denied the Bible and threatened the church. Even hundreds of years later, there is zero scientific evidence to support the … read more

The Fallacy Of “Total Forgiveness” | Your Future Sins Are Not Forgiven Already

Modern grace teachers today are teaching something very dangerous. This is the teaching of “total forgiveness”. It is the idea that all of your sins: past, present, and future, are all already forgiven. This is completely and utterly unbiblical. It is a blatant false doctrine. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, or even suggest, that all sins in the future are automatically forgiven. On the contrary, … read more