Third Wave Feminism Is A Form Of Lesbianism And Mental Depravity

Feminism, specifically third-wave feminism and the redefining of female sexuality, is not just a corrupt way of thinking; it is actually a form of homosexuality. It is no coincidence that feminism often includes some form of cross-dressing. Women wearing pants, cutting hair short like men, and wearing male clothes is an outward portrayal of a deep mental illness, the disease of homosexuality. I call it a disease, … read more

The State Of Depravity In The Year 2043 | This Liberal Dystopia Might Be Closer Than You Think | Virtual Reality, Liberalization, Surveillance

The year is 2043. Flying cars and teleportation are still in the distant future, but there is a new political ideology hitting the streets by storm. Multiple major cities break out in protest and people rest uneasy as fear of the crowds turning to riot is ever-looming overhead. Ever since the courts overturned Harriet vs Fido and made a firm stance on anti-bestiality laws, liberals have been … read more