The Christianity Bubble: Many Christians Live In A Disconnected Reality

There is a great problem among Christians today: many live in a bubble. Not only do they fail to reach out to unbelievers outside their bubble, but also they fail to reach even Christians who happen to be outside their limited social circles. As a result, this is driving many people away from God, as well as causing many to never hear the light of the Gospel … read more

The Spiritual Origins Of So-Called “Mental Illness”

The picture does not match the title or the content because images have power. A padded cell or a wide-eyed insomniac might be a proper image for this article, but instead, I used a positive image. It is scientifically proven that looking at negative images causes negative thoughts, and positive images cause positive thoughts. So, be on your guard what you let into your mind through your … read more

The Fallacy Of “Total Forgiveness” | Your Future Sins Are Not Forgiven Already

Modern grace teachers today are teaching something very dangerous. This is the teaching of “total forgiveness”. It is the idea that all of your sins: past, present, and future, are all already forgiven. This is completely and utterly unbiblical. It is a blatant false doctrine. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, or even suggest, that all sins in the future are automatically forgiven. On the contrary, … read more

Are You Really A Christian? Do You Know Where You’re Going One Day?

Many of us wonder if we’re really getting into heaven or into eternity. Sure, there are some people who simply don’t care, and live in blissful ignorance or outright denial of the reality that awaits them a few minutes, days, years, or decades from now when this life is over for them. But I think that most people do care about where they will end up, or … read more

Apparent Overabundance (Inefficiency) In Nature Is Evidence Of A Creator God

So-called scientists who blindly perpetuate the myth and fallacy of evolution against all evidence to the contrary would be up in arms about this. When someone’s theory (evolution) is so contingent on their worldview and so blindly accepted without merit (accepting false merit in its stead), anything that can be done to give a supporting leg to stand on is grasped wildly, even if the logic is … read more

The Corruption of the Doctrine of Justification By Faith | Grace Fallacy

Today I was reading Psalm 24:4 and came upon the commentary on the verse by Charles Spurgeon called “The Treasury of David” exposition on the Psalms. Upon reading it I was delighted to find supporting evidence on the fundamental premise of this site – a condemnation of the corrupted grace doctrine. It is further interesting to hear these words coming from such a renowned theologian such as … read more

The Historical Origins of Where, Why, and How Christianity Bred With Paganism

The Roman Catholic church of the middle ages was largely an abomination, a hybrid fusion between Christianity and paganism. This is why today, so-called Christian holidays actually have their roots in paganism, such as the Christmas tree and the Easter bunny (both symbols of pagan fertility gods). However, this was not the beginning of how paganism weaseled its way into the Christian church. In the first nearly … read more

The Dangers of Overcomplicating Scriptural Theology

It is important for a scholar, a historian, or a teacher to fully understand the Bible as well as the underlying historical context and various views and teachings of times past, in order to determine and espouse truth; and also to grasp a full understanding of the truths found within scripture. It is however rather dangerous to delve too far into philosophical analysis and debate that one … read more

Does Humanity Really Have Free Will?

I recently read an article talking about free will. I did not realize that Christians besides extreme calvinists were actually teaching and making a serious argument that free will does not exist. In the article, the author proposes that there is no free will, and his conclusion from this is the sarcastic remark that it is “laughable” that there is an eternal hell with everlasting suffering. This … read more

Does God Answer Prayer? Learn from King Hezekiah and King Saul

It is very important to make a distinction between, “Does God answer Prayer?”, “Can God Answer Prayer?”, and “Will God Answer Prayer?”. The answer to one of these questions is easy. Can God answer prayer? Absolutely. God’s power stretches beyond our entire universe – after all, God created our entire universe in just 6 days. The answer to whether God does answer prayer, is a bit more … read more