The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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2 Peter 2

2:1But there existed also false prophets among the people; as also among you there will be false teachers, ones who shall introduce privately destructive sects, and denying the master buying them, bringing unto themselves quick destruction.

2:2And many shall follow after them in the destruction, through whom the way of the truth shall be blasphemed.

2:3And by a desire for wealth, with shaped words, they shall make trade of you; for whom the judgment of old is not idle, and their destruction shall not slumber.

2:4For if God spared not of angels sinning, but in chains of the infernal region delivered them up for being kept for judgment;

2:5and the ancient world he spared not, but kept Noah the eighth proclaimer of righteousness, having brought the flood to the impious world;

2:6and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah having reduced to ashes he condemned by a final event; having set an example for the ones being about to be impious;

2:7and he rescued righteous Lot being harassed by the unlawful ones in lewdness of behavior,,

2:8(for by sight and hearing, the righteous man dwelling among them, day by day tormented his righteous soul by their lawless works;)

2:9but the Lord knows to rescue the pious from tests, and the unrighteous to keep for a day of judgment being punished;

2:10and especially the ones going after the flesh in a desire for defilement, and ones disdaining lordship; daring, self-willed, they do not tremble in blaspheming glories.

2:11Where angels being in strength and greater power, do not bring against them before the Lord a blasphemous case.

2:12But these, as physical illogical living creatures, engendered for conquest and corruption in blaspheming what they know not, in their corruption shall be laid waste;

2:13carrying a wage of unrighteousness; esteeming the daily delicacy satisfaction. Stains and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, feasting together with you;

2:14having eyes full of an adulterous one, and ceaseless of sin; entrapping unstable souls; having a heart being exercised for a desire for wealth; children of curse.

2:15Leaving behind the straight way, they wandered, following after the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wage of unrighteousness;

2:16but had rebuke of his own unlawfulness -- a voiceless beast, in a man's voice uttering a sound, restrained the ranting of the prophet.

2:17These are waterless springs, clouds being driven by a tempest, ones to whom the infernal region of darkness is kept into the eon.

2:18For uttering pompous sounds of folly, they entrap by the desires of the flesh, in lewdnesses, the ones who really escaped from the ones behaving in delusion,

2:19promising freedom to them, they being bondmen of corruption; for by whom anyone has been vanquished, by this one even he is enslaved.

2:20For if they having escaped the defilements of the world, in the full knowledge of the Lord and deliverer Jesus Christ, and in these things again being entangled they are vanquished, the last has become to them worse than the first.

2:21For it was better for them to have not known the way of righteousness, than having known, to have turned from the holy commandment delivered to them.

2:22But has come to pass to them the word of the true proverb, A dog having returned unto its own excrement, and a bathed pig unto wallowing in mire.