You Could Have Lived A Thousand Years… If

It’s amazing that today I saw a revelation from scripture, wisdom that can only come from God. I’ve read the verse a thousand times; perhaps more. Yet, I didn’t see with such clarity until now. I asked the question many times, but there was no answer, because no one knew. I contemplated for years whether sin could literally result in death, and that if a person did … read more

What Paul Really Meant By The “Law” And Living By Faith

It took a great deal of prayer and thought to open my mind and free me from the enslavement of interpretation. God has finally been able to reveal to me the truth about what the scripture says about “the law”. Having been a lifelong Christian, growing up in the church and being taught the doctrines of the modern church, and of modern Christian culture, which are corrupted … read more

Many Will Be Deceived By Rapture Theology

Many movies have been made and many books have been written which describe a fantasy world where all of the Christians have disappeared and gone to heaven, and then the tribulation occurs. This doctrine, also known as the “pre-tribulation rapture”, meaning a rapture of Christians before the Great Tribulation, is not actually described in the Bible. In fact, this fantasy will send many people to hell, because … read more

Do You Have To Follow The Law?

From a Christian perspective, following the law is not referring to the law of Man, such as our legal system, which is an entirely different topic; but rather, whether we should follow the Law of God, the rules laid out for us in the Bible. The “Law” includes the Ten Commandments of Exodus 20, Levitical laws of the Levitical priesthood of Aaron in the book of Leviticus, … read more

Are You Sleeping? It’s Time To Wake Up

Many Christians today – perhaps most Christians, are asleep, like Jonah in the ship while he fled from the mission God had given him. Are you concerned more about your day-to-day life, what to eat, where to live, how to sleep, what to do, mindless work, pay the bills, politics, sports, or other mindless distractions? Are you preoccupied with gossip, text messaging, video games, hanging with friends, … read more

Black Friday May Be the Work of the Devil

This isn’t a story about how crazy parents turn evil and trample each other to death to get the latest gaming console or television at bargain prices. Granted, that is a factor, but we all already know this, and such an occurrence is not exclusive to Black Friday. The same occurs on the release of the latest Apple device or other major marketing event. This could be … read more

Are We Meant To Literally Move Mountains?

The disciples had come near to Jesus when they witnessed an impressive supernatural feat. Jesus had just become angry at a fig tree that had not borne any fruit when He was hungry. He had then cursed the fig tree so that it immediately withered like some stop-motion photography in an old science fiction movie. This event was so profound that the disciples questioned him about how … read more

The Narrow Way To Heaven: Is The Way You’re On Really The Narrow Path?

Jesus said that only those who find the narrow way will make it into eternity. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13). Many people who call themselves Christians may think they are on that narrow path, but are they really? Are you really? If the path to salvation … read more

Are You Spiritually Compatible?

2 Corinthians 6:14 says “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” Many Christians today may consider dating or marrying an unbeliever, since there are fewer dating options than ever due to the rise of third wave feminism. After all, you get along so well, and the only problem is that they are not … read more

Should Christians Meditate?

A new, old thing is sweeping the West in recent years. This thing is meditation. Meditation is nothing new, but in the past it was confined to the fringes, the hippies, the new age movement. Unfortunately, with Youtube and other social media today, meditation has become a widespread phenomenon, and it’s growing. What is meditation, and should Christians do it? In order to answer this first we … read more