You Must Do The Will of God To Be Part of the Family of God

Jesus said that the people who are truly saved are those who do the will of God. In Matthew 12:50 Jesus says, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Jesus didn’t say, “Whoever believes in their heart is my brother or sister or mother, no matter what they do because they are saved by my unconditional grace”. … read more

You Must Forgive Others In Order To Receive Forgiveness By God

Jesus says something shocking they you may never have seen (or never perceived) before. This statement Jesus made is in diametric opposition to the most core, fundamental principles of Calvinism, western Christianity, and the doctrines of total depravity and unconditional grace. This condition is stated plainly in Matthew 6:15: “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.“ This shocking … read more

Western Christianity and Reformed Theology vs The Pharisees: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

If you have ever read the Gospels in the Bible or gone to Sunday school at church as a child, you have no doubt heard of the Pharisees. Jesus harshly criticized the Pharisees, who were the religious leaders of the day, calling them “hypocrites”, “a brood of vipers”, and other harsh terms. The reason for this was because Jesus knew their hearts. You see, the Pharisees were … read more

The Terrible Dangers of the Doctrine of Grace | A Christian Discourse Based on Biblical Teachings

A popular song recently released by Tenth Avenue North starts with “Why are you striving these days, Why are you trying to earn grace”. This is the modern doctrine of grace – basically, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation, because of our utter depravity as the result of the Original Sin – that is, the sin of Adam and Eve, which has made us … read more