The Corruption of the Doctrine of Justification By Faith | Grace Fallacy

Today I was reading Psalm 24:4 and came upon the commentary on the verse by Charles Spurgeon called “The Treasury of David” exposition on the Psalms. Upon reading it I was delighted to find supporting evidence on the fundamental premise of this site – a condemnation of the corrupted grace doctrine. It is further interesting to hear these words coming from such a renowned theologian such as … read more

The Historical Origins of Where, Why, and How Christianity Bred With Paganism

The Roman Catholic church of the middle ages was largely an abomination, a hybrid fusion between Christianity and paganism. This is why today, so-called Christian holidays actually have their roots in paganism, such as the Christmas tree and the Easter bunny (both symbols of pagan fertility gods). However, this was not the beginning of how paganism weaseled its way into the Christian church. In the first nearly … read more