1 Timothy 4
4:1But the spirit expressly says, that in later times some shall leave of the belief, taking heed to spirits of delusion and instructions of demons;
4:2in hypocrisy of speaking lies, their own conscience being seared,
4:3restraining to marry, to be at a distance from foods which God created for participation with thankfulness to the ones trustworthy and recognizing the truth.
4:4For every creation of God is good, and nothing to be spurned, with thankfulness being received.
4:5For it is sanctified through the word of God, and intercession.
4:6In placing these things before the brethren, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ, being trained up in the words of the belief, and the good instruction which you have followed closely.
4:7But the profane and old wives fables refuse! But exercise yourself to piety!
4:8For the bodily exercise for a little is beneficial, but piety is beneficial for all things, having promise of life -- of the present, and of the one being about to be.
4:9Trustworthy is the word, and worthy of all acceptance.
4:10for in this also we tire in labor, and are berated, because we have hope upon a living God, who is deliverer of all men, especially ones believing.
4:11Exhort these things and teach!
4:12Let no one disdain your youth! but become a model for the ones believing -- in word, in behavior, in love, in spirit, in belief, in purity.
4:13Until I come take heed to the reading, to the consolation, to the instruction!
4:14Do not neglect the favor in you! which was given to you through prophecy, with laying on of the hands of the council of elders.
4:15These things meditate upon! Be in these things, that your progression should be apparent to all!
4:16Give heed to yourself, and to the instruction! Remain in them! For this doing both yourself you shall deliver and the ones hearing you.